WCBA & Industry News

Video: Bee Forage Vital For Food System

Pollinators, like the honeybee, face many challenges in the modern world. One of these challenges is forage sources. The role that forage plays in keeping South Africa’s honey bees healthy and productive is an incredibly vital one.

This informative video explores the way in which managed honeybees support a variety of livelihoods including honey production. More recently, pollination services have increasingly become a key source of revenue for beekeepers.

Forage resources, whether indigenous, exotic, agriculture crops, garden plants and tree lanes in cities all sustain bee populations allowing honeybees to offer critical function to natural ecosystems and for pollination for about 50 crops in South Africa’s agriculture sector.

WWF South Africa and Nedbank are working in the Langkloof area of the Eastern Cape to help these important pollinators thrive so that they can continue to support our food system.

Produced by ReWild Africa Productions for The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) South Africa, as part of WWF’s partnership with Nedbank.                                         

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