WCBA Membership Applications

To become a member, please complete the form below and make payment of your membership fee by EFT.  Once your payment has been received, you will receive an email with your user name and password to access the Members Area of the website.


Members with active subscriptions should login to the website, and then can renew via  the My Membership Details page. Members with expired memberships please login to the website and then complete the membership application form below.

Individual Membership

Membership Registration Form
N.B: Under the Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983) and Control Measures R858 of 15 November 2013, any person who keeps, owns, or is in charge of a colony of honeybees, whether for commercial, hobbyist or as a bee removal service provider, is legally required to register annually with the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development as a beekeeper. This registration is free of charge If you are not registered, please complete the attached registration form & mail to admin@wcba.co.za
    Strength: Very Weak
    Additional Related Person Details
    If Individual + Additional Related Person membership option chosen
    Information about your beekeeping activities
    Select Option
    Select Option
    Select Option
    Select Option
    Select Your Payment Gateway

    Please make payment into the following account and send proof of payment to info@wcba.co.za

    Account Name: WCBA
    Bank: FNB
    Branch Code: 250 655
    Account Number: 630 502 924 99
    Reference: Please put your name as the payment reference

    How you want to pay?
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected membership :
    Annual Membership Fee :

    Amount Payable by EFT: