The WCBA held its 2023 AGM and an inaugural Honey Festival at the Spice Route near Paarl.

Outgoing chair Riette van Zyl said the inaugural festival had drawn incredibly positive reactions and comments from the public, and thanked all the presenters, exhibitors and members who participated on the day. The new committee’s details can be viewed here.
Judge Reg Morgan also commended the entries received for the honey competition held during the event which he said were “of an extremely high quality” even though they did not have much experience of these competitions.
Thanks go to Taariq Motala for the photographs below, Gary Petersen for donating a beehive as one of the honey competition prizes, and the Cape Brewing Company for two cases of their ‘Firefighter’s Lager’ which was entered into a lucky dip for the honey stallholders. CBC donates a portion of their sales from this beer to the Volunteer Wildfire Services, who “stand between the fires and our fynbos”.
Judge Reg Morgan commended the entries received for the honey competition

Achmat Kazie of The Bee Inspired Honey Company, Cape Town, speaks to a customer at his stall.

Michael Hammond, left, received the Beekeeper of the Year award from Brendan Ashley-Cooper, vice-chairman of the WCBA.

Phirdy Motala, WCBA committee member with Tumi Mobu, visiting SABIO board member.

Henry and Wilmarie Van Lingen of Little Mill Bees in Greyton chatting to visitors at the festival.

Clayton and Roxy Sanders-Perrin of the Wildflower Honey Company, Hout Bay.